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ZUMAX owns and operates lift-barges suitable for inland and coastal waters. Lift barges are used in the oil business to provide a mobile self-elevating platform for wellhead construction and work-over operations. Each vessel is fitted with one or
two cranes with lifting capacities up to 30-tons depending on the size.
Maximum deck loads vary up to 90-tons for the largest vessel. Each vessel has
galley and accommodation facilities.

Lifting Services

We are able to provide consutling expertise across a range of comprehensive marine
lifting services, including lifting and installation of structures and equipment above
and below the water line.

  • Heavy lifts
  • Contract lifts
  • Salvage and recovery


Zumax Nigeria Limited has strategic relationships to provide its clients with
ocean-going and inland waterways flat top barges. These vessels can be utilised to transport materials and goods from a loading area to a work site when platform
supply vessel transport is not suitable.


   Copyright ©2005 Zumax Nigeria Limited