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About us..

Our company ZUMAX NIGERIAN LIMITED, a downstream and associated services consultants with head offices at Elf yard, Ogunu, Near Warri, Delta State with Liason Office at 1, Ihuntayi Street, Oniru Estate, Victoria Island, Lagos

Now ZUMAX has been in the oil and gas sector in Nigeria for some time  and acquired the full compliments of a powerful and successful indigenous company . As a matter of fact ZUMAX NIGERIA LIMITED has played an esteemed role in the area of down stream operations in the Oil and Gas sector particularly in the Niger delta.

Our mission
is to promote a safe working environment in the oil and gas sector
with particular reference to the Niger Delta.

Our Core Values
are focused upon: Safety First, Project/Service Quality, Timely Delivery, and Satisfied Customers.

was incorporated as a wholly-owned Nigerian
Oil and Gas well-servicing company. The company specializes in three product & service areas; marine craft services, wire-line services, equipment supplies and services, supply of down-hole tools and Catering Services.

ZUMAX NIGERIA LIMITED has positioned itself to take full advantage of the great business opportunities by ensuring that its competitive edge is firmly established over its competitors.

   Copyright © 2005 Zumax Nigeria Limited