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ZUMAX NIGERIA LIMITED has a HSE Department responsible for ensuring safe work procedures and practices are maintained throughout the Company. ZUMAX Nigeria Limited operates The Community Affairs, Safety, Health, Environment and Security (CASHES) Policy. This policy is briefly described below.

To maintain good relations with host communities.

To preserve safety by fully integrating the Enhanced Safety Management (ESM) principles and our corporate (CASHES) policy. To put in place necessary standards and safe work procedures enforced by highly qualified, skilled and experienced staff/supervisors.

To preserve the health of all staff imbibing preventive Medicare as opposed to curative Medicare. A corporate policy on drugs, alcohol and smoking is in force and the services of four clinics attend to the health needs of ZUMAX NIGERIA LIMITED staff and their families at ZUMAX NIGERIA LIMITED. Head Quarters, Warri and Port Harcourt offices.

ZUMAX NIGERIA LIMITED is committed to the preservation of the environment and as such has in place a waste management system, waste re-utilization, minimization and elimination program.

ZUMAX Nigeria Limited considers the security of its personnel, staff houses, barges and work locations as top priority. This is ensured by the use of the Nigerian Police Force (NPF), private security organizations; community supplied civil guards or a combination of the above.

For effectiveness, there is a combined health Safety and Fire reviews of the Safety management at each site/location and these look at the main areas: Core safety and health management systems; an in-depth review selected high risk area and validation of the site’s self auditing capacity.

Employees are required to undertake all kinds of training programs as they relate to the respective fields of trade in the company. But basic computer, HSE and Health awareness trainings are mandatory for all staff.

To enhance the HSE-MS management system a comprehensive investigating and reporting system was initiated – backed up by a comprehensive training program. Accidents are reported and investigation commences immediately. The results are then escalated to all departments as learning guide.

An annual health and safety audit is conducted and a report providing the detail of the company’s performance rating for the previous year is presented. There is also annual health and safety conference and quarterly and monthly Health and Safety meetings to discuss new initiatives, share best practices and undertake professional development.

The purpose of ZUMAX Nigeria Limited is to provide high quality oil services for the oil and gas industry while doing no harm to our environment.

Our focus is on the customer’s needs and expectations, which we endeavor to understand and satisfy.

We will demonstrate leadership by adopting quality as a strategy for the creation of value and satisfaction.

We will strive to do the right thing the first time, and every time after that, and learn from our mistakes, so that timely and effective action to improve the quality of our services/ products can be taken. We will develop mutually beneficial relationships with our employees, the local community, and others to create wealth and prosperity.

We will work with suppliers and subcontractors so that our products and services meet the high standards expected of us.

We will continuously seek to improve the quality and cost effectiveness of our products and services through the continuous improvement of our functions and processes.

Policy Statement On Community Affairs, Safety, Health, Environment And Security:

ZUMAX Nigeria Limited and its contractors will give maximum priority to health, safety and security of employees, clients third parties and members of the public.

There shall be a continuous environmental impact assessment of our activities and reduce it to the lowest ebb as practicable as possible. We shall be sensitive to the aspirations of our host communities.

At ZUMAX a useful guide to whether you will be acting properly is to ask yourself the question “WOULD I BE HAPPY TO EXPLAIN MY ACTION TO EVERY PARTY INVOLVED”. If this question causes you any discomfort, you should reconsider your intended cause of action and discuss the matter with your line manager.

ZUMAX management recognizes its responsibility to provide a healthy and safe work environment; safe-working conditions with rules bound upon experience and up-to-date safety knowledge, and competent work directives.

Policy On Safety Meetings:
Safety meetings will normally be held regularly, depending on project execution. It will be presided by senior management representative on site. Records of such meetings shall be kept.

The meeting should be scheduled for such periods that will attentive and not hurrying such as lunchtime or closing time. It should start and close on schedule.  Any OTHER MEETINGS that could be conducted include:

  • Pre-Mobilization
  • De-Mobilization
  • JHA.

Drug And Alcohol Policy:
The health and well being of our employees is of prime concern. ZUMAX have adopted a minimum tolerance  stance on the use and consumption of drugs or alcohol in the workplace because they impair judgment and performance and lead to accidents and fatalities.

ZUMAX prohibit the sale or consumption of these on all company premises. Any employee found with them in his possession will be immediately suspended from work. Disciplinary action will follow. Any subcontractor or customer employee working in ZUMAX premises found with drugs or alcohol in his possession will be asked to leave immediately and sent back to his employer for disciplinary action. They will be blacklisted from ZUMAX premises.
Any person found selling drugs or alcohol on company premises will be handed over to the police authorities.
 ZUMAX reserves the right to conduct random searches for illicit drugs or alcohol on all company premises/work site. The rights of individuals will be protected

Policy On Emergency Response:
This policy is in place to ensure that all staff knows what to do in an emergency. All staff must be made aware of and follow the guidelines in place for the site where they are working:

  • Personnel shall familiarize themselves with the emergency procedures regarding fires, explosions evacuations, man-overboard and other emergencies and shall be prepared to take proper action.
  • Each location Shall develop a site specific emergency response plan which may include a station bill or pre-fire plan highlights of these plan (notification procedures, telephone numbers evacuation routes, etc.) shall be posted at strategic points.

Journey Management Policy:
Journey Management Plan
Journey management shall be employed by all responsible sections of our operations. The basic elements shall include:

  • Pre-journey discussions between supervisor and subordinates to optimize the journey route and ensure the safest and most direct route in order to limit exposure to risk.
  • Vehicle checked based on the available and current checklist.
  • Ensure that driver is fully certified and in compliance to the Drug and Alcohol policy.
  • Ensure availability of first aid boxes, functional fire extinguishers and working IVMS device.
  • And also ensure the driver is in optimum health condition.

Policy on Hazard communication:
New Chemicals:
Before any new hazardous chemical is introduced into any work area at company’s facility, each affected employee will have adequate information about the chemical so as to enable them use it safely. MSDS will be obtained on the new chemical and permanently maintained in the appropriate manager’s office in and at work sites.


Policy on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Where risk assessments show that PPE is required, the QHSE supervisor will issue the relevant staff with appropriate items. All PPE will be selected carefully with the tasks and processes into consideration.

PPE is provided to all staff as the needs dictate and replaced as required. All staff is responsible in ensuring that the PPE allocated him is kept clean, used properly, not adapted or changed in any way and is properly stored away after use.

ZUMAX shall provide appropriate PPE for its employees as required. Contractors shall provide their employees with appropriate PPE as required by ZUMAX.


Policy on Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH):
When chemical risks are highlighted during risks assessment, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) assessment is performed. Exposure assessments and occupational health measures will also be provided if identified as required by the assessment.

Policy on Fire Protection:
This policy is placed to ensure that all employees understand the hazards and the consequence of fire incidents at our work site, base or facilities.

Therefore employees are trained to fight fires only at their early stages. If portable extinguishers can extinguish the fire, do so. If fire becomes more involved, evacuate immediately and activate emergency alarms and emergency shut down device (ESD) systems where available. Notify supervisor and emergency responders, those trained to fight fires that are beyond the incipient stage.

Policy on Waste Management and house Keeping:
This process is in place to ensure that all staff disposes waste in a responsible manner.
The QHSE supervisor ensures that all waste is handled responsibly at all times by:

  • Impressing upon staff that waste should be reduced, re-used and recycled in order of priority to protect the environment.
  • Promoting ZUMAX waste minimization policy. The company will conserve energy, minimize or eliminate environmental damage, identify, promote and substitute work methods and processes that are less hazardous or damaging to the environment.
  • Ensuring that generation of waste at client sites  is handled in compliance
  • with the client’s instructions.


This policy is in place to ensure that all staff knows what to do in an emergency. All staff members must be made aware of and follow the guidelines in place for the site where they are working

  • Personnel shall familiarize themselves with the emergency procedures regarding fires, explosions evacuations, man overboard and other emergencies and shall be prepared to take proper caution.
  • Each location shall develop a site specific emergency response plan, which may include a station bill or pre-fire plan highlights of these plan (notification procedures, telephone numbers, evacuation routes, etc.) shall be posted in strategic locations.

Journey Management Plan
Journey management is being employed by all responsible sections of our operations. The basic elements include:

  • Pre-journey discussions between supervisors and subordinates to optimize the journey routes and ensure that safest and most direct route in order to minimize exposure hazard.
  • Vehicle checked based on available checklist.
  • Availability of first aid boxes, fire extinguishers and speed warning devices.
  • Driver’s compliance on certifications and policies are ensured
  • Optimum health for driver and crew.

A monthly newsletter safety web is also published which cover recent changes in legislation, news and other interesting facts. There is also a hazard alert system which is used as part of our accident prevention scheme.

   Copyright ©2005 Zumax Nigeria Limited