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ZUMAX NIGERIA LIMITED (ZNL) was incorporated as a wholly-owned Nigerian Oil and Gas well-servicing company. The company specializes in three product and service areas; Marine craft services, Wire-line services, Equipment supplies and services,
supply of down-hole tools and Catering Services.

Zumax Nigeria Limited has positioned itself to take full advantage of the great business opportunities by ensuring that its competitive edge is firmly established over its competitors.

We encourage a working environment which fosters productivity while maintaining safety and quality standards on a world class level, perpetually seeking continuous improvement of our processes and work product.


Our mission is to promote a safe   working environment in the oil
  and gas sector with particular   reference to the Niger Delta."


  "Our quality management
  procedures are structured to
  meet the Quality Assurance   requirements of our clients
  through the execution of our   works to British Standard 5750
  and ISO 9001 protocols.
  These standards are integrated   within the executing procedures   deployed by Zumax Nigeria   Limited to form a   comprehensive QA programme
  of operation."

     Copyright ©2005 Zumax Nigeria Limited